Specialist Officers Recruitment by IBPS VIIth CRP

Specialist Officers Recruitment  by IBPS VIIth CRP

Published at http://www.SarkariNaukriBlog.com

Recruitment Examination by IBPS in PSU BanksInstitute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS), Mumbai, an autonomous body, has been authorised by the IBA and has received mandates from 20 Participating Organisation (mainly Public Sector Banks)  to conduct the Common Recruitment Process  (CRP) of Specialist Officers which includes Written Examination - Preliminary and Main,  Common Interview and provisional allotment for the 1315 vacancies to be filled during the financial year 2018-19.

Specialist Officer CA vacancy in Catholic Syrian Bank 2017

Chartered Accountants vacancy in  Catholic Syrian  Bank

Vacancy in Catholic Syrian Bank
Catholic Syrian  Bank, a leading Private Sector Bank in India invites online applications for appointment of following Specialist Officer - Chartered Accountants in Scale-I and Scale-II from the qualified candidates.

Vacancies :

  •  Specialist Officer - Chartered Accountant : 30 posts,  Age : 40 years as on 31/05/2017, Qualification :  Only candidates who have successfully completed CA from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India will be considered., Pay Scale : Scale-I Rs. 23700-42020, Scale-II Rs. 31705-49950

Selected candidates may be appointed as Assistant Manager/ Manager in Scale I/II in IBA scale considering their experience and as per the bank’s existing terms and conditions. They may be posted in various branches/offices across India.

How to Apply : 

Apply Online at  Catholic Syrian  Bank (CSB) website within 15 days only.

Detailed Information :

Please visit Career section  at http://www.csb.co.in/careers  for details and online application format.

Karur Vysya Bank Probationary Officers vacancy 2017

Probationary Officers vacancy in  Karur Vysya Bank  2017

The Karur Vysya Bank Limited, a leading Private Sector Bank in India invites online applications for appointment of Probationary Officers (Scale I cadre) from the qualified candidates.

KVB Probationary Officer vacancy 2017

Vacancies :

  •  Probationary Officers : Age : 28 years as on 31/05/2017, Qualification :  Any candidate who has completed Post Graduate Degree or Double Degree holders or B.E.,B.Tech. B.Sc. Agri.  under regular course from a college affiliated to a recognized University with 60% of marks and above. Candidates who are appearing for the final semester of their Post Graduation - PG from a college affiliated to a recognized University (final exam in May / June 2017) can also apply with  aggregate of 60% marks and above without any standing arrears at the time of applying.

Application Fee : Rs.600/- to be paid online.  

How to Apply : 

Apply Online at  Karur Vysya Bank (KVB) website from 10/06/2017 to 19/06/2017 only.

Detailed Information :

Please visit Career section  at http://www.kvb.co.in  for details and online application format.

भारतीय स्टेट बैंक (SBI) में प्रोबेशनरी अधिकारियों की भर्ती 2016

SBI Vacancyस्टेट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया STATE BANK Of INDIA (SBI), Central Recruitment & Promotion Department (CRPD) ,Corporate Centre, Mumbai

Advertisement No. CRPD/PO/2016-17/02 for Recruitment of Probationary Officers in State Bank of India (SBI) भारतीय स्टेट बैंक में प्रोबेशनरी अधिकारियों की भर्ती 

भारतीय स्टेट बैंक में 2200 प्रोबेशनरी अधिकारियों की भर्ती के लिये ऑन-लाइन आवेदन आंमत्रित किये जाते हैं। Online applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment for following 2200 posts of Probationary Officers in State Bank of India  (SBI) :

SBI Recruitment for 17140 Junior Associates

SBI Jobs at https://www.SarkariNaukriBlog.com STATE BANK Of INDIA (SBI)
Central Recruitment & Promotion Department (CRPD) Corporate Centre, Mumbai

Recruitment of 17140 Junior Associates (Customer Support & Sales) and Junior Agricultural Associates in the Clerical Cadre in State Bank of India (SBI)   

1500 Probationary Officer Posts in SBI

Central Recruitment & Promotion Department (CRPD) Corporate Centre, Mumbai

Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment as Probationary Officers (POs) in State Bank of India. Candidates selected are liable to be posted anywhere in India.  :